Saturday, December 1, 2018

Pretend Fried Chicken

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another
John 13:35 (NIV)

I was driving down the interstate when one of my granddaughters screamed from the back seat. I shook my head and looked in the rear view mirror. "Now what are you fighting about?" I demanded.

She and another granddaughter were at it again. Since the two girls were only three months apart, they turned everything into a competition even at the age of three.

Evidently they were eating pretend fried chicken and the one granddaughter stole a piece of chicken off her cousin's plate; hence the screams. My first granddaughter was inconsolable and no amount of reasoning could calm her. It didn't matter that is wasn't real food. I have to admit I shed a few tears myself...laughing hysterically.

Do you know what's not funny? When God's children behave like my granddaughters. The truth is some of the things we squabble about are as petty as pretend fried chicken. God calls His church to love each other unconditionally. He calls us to unity. He calls us to extend grace and mercy. Denominations should not be in competition with each other. We have the same heavenly Father who freely offers His love to each one of us. As we reach out and encourage one another, our world will be impacted for Jesus.

At fourteen years of age, my granddaughters are now the best of friends. Church, let's allow God to mature us into the loving and unified family He desires for us to be.

Prayer:  Lord, grow us into Your loving, merciful family which can then impact the world for You. Amen.

Bible Reading:  Psalm 133

Thought:  I will seek to intentionally love all of God's family.

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