Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Word, Jesus

The Word, Jesus

The “Red-Letter” Words of Jesus

Day Two

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.  John 1:1-3 (NKJV)

In the 1930’s, the comedy team Abbott and Costello performed a routine called “Who’s on First?” The premise of the sketch was that Abbott, as the coach of a baseball team, gave his players nicknames. For example, “Who’s” played first base, “What’s” played on second, and “I Don’t Know” played third base. Not knowing these were nicknames, a totally confused Costello tried to figure out the names and positions of the players.

Sometimes I feel as confused as Costello when I read John 1:1-3. I understand the verses which declare Jesus was the Word and, as the Word, spoke the world into existence. I struggle with the verse stating Jesus was God, but He was also with God. My reaction is "huh?" Doesn't the Bible declare there is only one God.

I began to dig into various commentaries to see what Bible scholars had to say. Many agree this concept is hard to understand. Yes, God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. They can communicate and interact with one another, and yet, they are one God. Several of these educated folks admit their attempts to explain what is divine leaves them with more questions than answers.    

If Bible scholars struggle to bring understanding, I won’t attempt to do so either. I choose to take these verses at face value. Jesus was the Word (and is the Word) who spoke the world into existence. In the beginning He was God (and is God) and was with God (and still is with God). Our purpose is to study the words spoken by the Word…those “red-letter words” of Jesus found in our Bibles.

Father, I wish I was smart enough to get all of this but I'm not. When I try to sort it out, my head spins. However, I trust You and I trust Your Word. You are God. Jesus is God. The Holy Spirit is God. And You are all one God. And Jesus is the Word. I do know You can open my understanding that I might understand these scriptures. Please do. (Luke 24:45) In Jesus' name, Amen.



Hard Sayings of the Bible/John 1:1/pages 491-492

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