Saturday, February 3, 2018

This Little Light of Mine

You are the Light of the World
John 8 & 9; Matthew 5:14-16

Over the past couple of devotionals, we've focused on Jesus being the Light of the world. For today, let's look again at John 8 & 9. We see that Jesus had a busy, crazy day in the temple where a lot happened. He protected an adulteress from her accusers, He then spent time defending Himself before the Pharisees, and finally, He spoke to those Jews who followed Him and His teachings. Jesus told them, "I am going away. Where I go you cannot come." (See John 8:21). Jesus predicted His return to His Father, declaring He would soon no longer be physically present on earth.

While exhorting the believers the crowd became enraged when He began to declare His deity. The crowd turned on Him and wanted to stone Him. (I told you it was a busy, crazy day.) While escaping, Jesus noticed a blind man and stopped to minister to him. Right before Jesus healed the blind man He stated, "As long as I am in the world, I AM the Light of the world." (See John 9:5.) Again, He gave indication that there was a time coming when He would no longer be with them.

Jesus is still the Light. However, He made provision for the time He would no longer physically be present. In Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus said, "You are the light of the world...Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." Do you realize before Jesus returned to His Father, there was a transference of authority onto believers?

Jesus, You shone Your Light in the hearts of men and exposed their wickedness but You also illuminated Your love, mercy and compassion to those in the bondages of sin and the ravages of disease. Your healing touch toward the blind man (while You were fleeing for Your life, no less) radically changed his life. As the light of the world we can manifest Your Love to a darkened world and help others to see You. The impact on their lives could be radical as well. May Your compassion flow through us to those who are lost. May we be a beacon of light showing them the way to You.

Personal Application

Sing along with me:
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
'Nuf said.

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