Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Jesus, Our "Pillar of Fire"

Jesus is the Word and Light
John 1:1-9; 1John 1:5-7 (NKJ)

Jesus stated He was the Light of the world twice on the same day. For several devotionals we'll take a look at the events surrounding those two I AM statements. We'll hang there for a while because it's "good stuff." First though, let's take a look at the writings of John and what he has to say about Jesus being the Light.

He starts the book of John by stating Jesus was the Word (1:1) and Jesus was the Light (1:4-9). He also addresses Jesus as the Light in 1John 1:5-7. One of the main concepts which John emphasized in his writings is comparing light to darkness; comparing the Light who is Jesus to the darkness who is Satan.

In the Greek (as used in John 1:4; John 8:13; John 9:5), the world light comes from the word phos meaning "to shine, or make manifest, especially by rays." According to Strong's Concordance phos can be interpreted light or fire.

Just as the pillar of fire was a guiding light for the Israelites in the darkest of nights, Jesus lights the way for us, His followers. As the Light of the world, He illuminates the spirit realm and helps us to see His Kingdom more clearly. As the Light of the world, He exposes the lies of the deceiver (see John 9:42-47). As the Light of the world, He shines from within us emanating His love toward others. As the Light of the world, He lights the difficult, narrow path we are called to follow (Matthew 7:13, 14).

Father, thank You for sending Your Light into a darkened, sinful world. Darkness can be scary and eerie and the shadows can seem more ominous than they really are. Thank You that in Jesus, as the Light, there is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). Thank You that Jesus, as the Light, dissipates the darkness, thus quieting our fears. Thank You that Jesus, as the Light, exposes the lies of the evil one and illuminates the truth of His Word. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Personal Application
For some reason I don't get spooked during the day when I hear something go "bump." However, let something go "bump" in the middle of the night and I'm waking my husband to check out the noise. What is it about darkness that turns me into a nervous ninny? For one thing, I can't see the "enemy" even if the enemy is nothing more than a discarded old coat rack lurking in the shadows of my basement. Just like the darkness of night can be creepy, the darkness of this evil world can be overwhelming as well. Sometimes it makes me want to pull the covers over my head and refuse to come out. Thankfully, Jesus' Light quiets my fears as I walk down the paths He wants me to walk, even the dark ones. He exposes the lies of the evil one and illuminates His truth. Hallelujah! Jesus is the Light of the world. I pray you will find comfort and peace as His Light shines brightly in your little part of the world.

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