Sunday, January 21, 2018

Jesus, The I AM

John 8:58

We have been looking at God's declaration of being I AM WHO I AM to Moses at the burning bush. Moses was a hesitant leader but, under God's powerful authority, he was able to deliver the Israelites from Egyptian bondage bringing them to the door of the Promised Land.

The Eternal One with no beginning and no end also kept His covenant to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He was more than able to handle any and all situations that came Israel's way showing Himself to truly be the I AM WHO I AM. He fulfilled His promises to Abraham by turning his descendants into a great nation.

Fast forward approximately 1500 years. God wasn't done declaring that He truly was I AM WHO I AM. On numerous occasions Jesus made the same claim. His powerful statement in John 8:58 eventually cost Him His life. The NKJ reads, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM."

The footnote in my Bible states that the above "scripture should read, 'before Abraham was born' indicating that Abraham's life had a specific beginning. This stands in sharp contrast to Jesus' self-claim, 'I AM.' In other words, He was without beginning - the Self-Existent One, the Ever-present One. The claim of Jesus to be eternal was a claim to be Divine. Thus, in the eyes of the Jews He was guilty of blasphemy, a sin punishable by stoning."

Lord Jesus, I'm not for sure we completely understand the magnitude of who You were declaring Yourself to be during Your three years of ministry here on earth. The religious leaders understood all too well. And they hated you for it. When confronted with the Truth, they chose to reject that Truth. Today, when we are confronted with the Truth, who do we say You are? It's an important question we must answer if we hope to be a part of Your kingdom.

Personal Application:
Who do I say You are, Jesus? I say that You are indeed I AM WHO I AM. You have always been. You always will be. You spoke the world into existence. You are the Ever-present One. You are my Savior and my Lord. You are my Provider. You are my Comfort. You are my Peace. You are Just, Holy and Righteous. Thank You for showing me who You truly are...not only does it build my faith but it draws me into a more intimate relationship with You.

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