Come and See
The “Red-Letter” Words of Jesus
Day Four
Then Jesus turned, and seeing them
following, said to them, "What do you seek?" They said to Him, "Rabbi" (Which is to say, when translated, Teacher), "where are You staying?" He said to them, "Come and see," They came and saw where He was staying and remained with Him that day (now it was about the tenth hour). John 1:38-39
don’t spontaneously invite folks to our house since it’s “well lived in.” In
other words, it’s messy. If someone visits unexpectedly, we rush to hide dirty
dishes in the oven, throw dirty clothes under the bed and spray disinfectant to
hide dog and cat smells. (Please tell me you can relate.) As you will see in
today’s devotion, Jesus doesn’t have such qualms.
we read where John the Baptist declared Jesus was the Lamb of God. His words inspired
Andrew and John to follow Him. Being in awe of Him, they didn’t directly approach
Him but trailed at a distance. Realizing their shyness, He turned to them and
asked, "What do you seek?" He totally understood their spiritual hunger.
response to Jesus’ questions was, “Rabbi, where are You staying?” They figured
if they knew where He lived, then they would be able to meet with Him at His
convenience. I’m sure they had many questions for the Messiah.
it surprised them when He immediately invited them to join Him. "Come and see" was an open invitation to spend time with Him. And they did. It was about the tenth hour (3 or 4 p.m. in the afternoon) so there was plenty of time for a heart-to-heart conversation with Jesus. Whatever they talked about changed their lives forever because they forsook everything to follow Him.
Jesus invites us to "come and see" too. He isn't interested in the surface stuff like the condition of our houses. (There were times He didn't have a place to lay His head.) Instead, He's interested in pursing relationship...personal, intimate, heart-to-heart. Since He knows the hunger in our souls, time spent with Him will radically impact our lives.
Father, may I not hesitate to join Jesus when I'm invited to spend time with Him. May I lay down my excuses and join immediately into intimate fellowship with Him. In Jesus' name, Amen.
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