Friday, July 20, 2018

When Danger Lurks - Hasta La Vista, Baby

I AM the Good Shepherd
John 10:11-21

On a daily basis Jesus laid down His life for others. He was constantly giving up His comforts to minister to people. He knew what it meant to die daily in order to fulfill His Father's purposes and plans. Jesus declared, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep (vs 11)."

He contrasted a good shepherd to a hireling. It was customary for several shepherds to hire someone to watch their sheep in the sheep fold while they went home for a good night's sleep. The problem was the man hired didn't have any investment in the flocks. Many times when danger came the hireling was more interested in self-preservation than in sheep-preservation. It was easy to say, "Hasta la vista, baby." (Or whatever the equivalent Hebrew or Greek would be.)

Jesus was trying to warn the people that not all of those in authority had their best interest at heart. They weren't committed to laying down their lives for the people. Not only was Jesus willing to sacrifice His daily comforts to minister to the needs of the people, a time came when He gave His life for his sheep.

Personal Application
I hate to think what would happen to a person, if they ever tried to attack one of my grandchildren. It wouldn't be a pretty sight once my son or daughter got a hold of the perpetrator. They would fight for their children with their lives. Jesus did that for us by dying on the cross. The perpetrator Satan desires nothing more than to spiritually destroy humanity, especially those who belong to the sheepfold of Jesus Christ. However, we are spiritually safe when we abide in Him.

Thank You, Jesus, for the spiritual safety we find in You. Nothing can separate us from Your love. Nothing can spiritually harm us when we abide in You. Thank You, Good Shepherd, for Your protection. Thank You for the abundant life You have given to us, your sheep. May we know intimately the safety of Your arms. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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